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High Fives

“Organisations like are needed more than ever if humankind is to resolve its existential crisis. Its emphasis on youth as the vehicle for change is fundamental to success.” 

Julian Anderson - Quantock Eco

the foundation

bringing the humane back to humanity

“we are constantly seeking ways to ignite the greatest sense of humanity in our youth as that’s the most powerful fuel for change”

leaving an indelible mark - humanityTALKS

Our outreach programme has touched over 70,000 young lives and our goal is to reach 1.5 billion across the globe. Our one hour lecture inspired by our TEDx debut titled "We Believe The Youth Are Best Placed To Save The Planet" is designed to bring out the greater sense of humanity in our youth. Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this cause.

the centre for

human excellence

This centre of human excellence is designed as an ode to the youth of today and a monumental reminder of the infinite possibilities to solutions that can end the world’s challenges. It has dynamic displays of sustainability driven technology to inspire and help young people co-create even better solutions

emissaries of humanity

The world has seen how our youth as young as four can initiate ideas that positively impact lives across the world. Our goal is excite and incite more who can be coached on's platform to help inspire millions more. We believe there's a natural humanitarian in everyone, our job is to help our youth find it.

who we are

We are a hybrid impact organisation that collaborates with, and promotes breakthrough sustainable technologies in communities that truly need them. Through our curated talks in schools and colleges, we share these amazing solutions, many of which were developed/conceptualised by young people from across the world.


Working through these high energy, interactive talks, we hope to:

  • inspire the youth to be the best version of themselves

  • motivate the youth to think collectively

  • embolden them to take action

  • bring onboard their greater sense of humanity

  • inculcate an infinite thinking mindset

  • mitigate the harm caused by negative misinformation/disinformation narratives in the media


We seek, select, train and mentor young people from across the globe to represent the voice of a new generation. These emissaries will inspire their peers and help reach 1.5 billion youth across the globe. We aim to build a fully interactive discovery centre as a dynamic exhibition venue of the latest breakthrough technologies so that visitors can take an experiential journey to a positive future that has arrived.

Image by Jude Beck

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has"

Margaret Mead


would you like to have a hand in shaping a better future?

contact the foundation

© 2021 the foundation

the foundation, Level 6, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

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